Optimal Conversations

Ep#6 Richard Lowe - Communicating Through a Lens

Optimal Life Solutions Season 1 Episode 6

Richard is a ghostwriter and was incredibly shy, holding back from social functions as a younger man. After the devastating loss of his wife through illness, he decided to change and started working as a photographer at Renaissance Fairs, becoming known for his photographs of belly dancers.
Speaking through his lens opened up a world where he could converse - and now does with great aplomb.
Have a listen to his fascinating story, his views on life, and discussions about guns, guided cages, and more.
Find Richard at https://thewritingking.com 

Great conversations underpin all successful relationships and can create enduring transformational impact.
If you want to change the world and don't know where to start, or if conversations are hard for you, we'd love to help. Get in touch with Mary at Optimal Life Solutions using the contact form on our website at www.optimalcoaching.com.au

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