Optimal Conversations

Ep#1 Welcome to Optimal Conversations - Mary Wong

Optimal Life Solutions

The very first episode - and it's all just me saying hello... I was told it was what I should do...and while I am usually not someone who does as they are told, I thought as 'they' know more about this than I do, I probably should follow their advice! 
It may or may not have been such a good idea.
Apologies for the audio quality in this one - had a tech glitch. I'll be getting it re-edited and reloaded ASAP, but hey, imperfect action is better than no action at all, isn't that right? 

Great conversations underpin all successful relationships and can create enduring transformational impact.
If you want to change the world and don't know where to start, or if conversations are hard for you, we'd love to help. Get in touch with Mary at Optimal Life Solutions using the contact form on our website at www.optimalcoaching.com.au

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